Data Privacy Notice

Data Privacy Notice

1. What is a Data Privacy Notice (DPN) and why is it important?

We know your personal data is important to you and it is important to us too. This DPN tells you what we use your personal data for and explains your rights around how we use it.

Within this recruitment website you have a number of options, for example, you can build your candidate profile for the purpose of joining our talent pool, change your profile visibility preferences, set job notification alerts and submit applications for advertised roles.

Please read this DPN to understand how and why we use your personal data.

This DPN will be reviewed from time to time to take into account changes in the law or changes in how we process your personal data. Where there is a need to process personal data for a purpose other than those set out in this DPN, we will notify you of this and a current version of our DPN will always be available in a prominent position on our recruitment website.

2. Who are we/the data controllers?

When you register your account and create your candidate profile for the purpose of joining our talent pool “we” means the Irish Life and Canada Life Group Companies listed at Section 9 below who you choose to allow to have access to your personal data according to the visibility setting you select.

Contact information for all relevant Group Companies is available at Section 9 of this DPN.

3. What personal data we collect and why?

3.1 Account Registration and Talent Pool
When you register with this recruitment website, we require a minimum disclosure of your first name, last name and a valid email address. You may also be required to disclose other information such as your country of residence. Collectively this is referred to as "registration data". This registration data will form part of your candidate profile and is used by us to identify you and to send you communications such as job alert notifications and to contact you in connection with your job applications. You can correct or update registration data initially provided by selecting “My Profile” under the “Options” menu where you can proceed to make required changes.

As part of your registration, you will be asked to create a password for use of this website. Please keep your password confidential at all times. If you believe that the security of your password has been compromised, please contact us immediately.

Upon creating your candidate profile, your data will be visible to the Irish Life and Canada Life Group Companies listed in Section 9 who will then have access to your candidate profile in our talent pool in order to see if your details are suitable for current vacancies.

3.2 Your Candidate Profile and Job Applications
Before you can apply for a role you first must set up a candidate profile.

The minimum personal data required to set up a candidate profile and provided by you on account registration includes name, email address and country of residence.

Other personal data you may submit to build your candidate profile or in connection with a job application, may include, but is not limited to:
• address and contact phone number,
• work history, education history, salary and benefits package,
• documentation required for immigration laws,
• referee names,
• qualification certificates, results of aptitude tests (where applicable) and related
• photograph for authentication
• background vetting information (self-declaration form)

If you wish to apply for a job outside of your country of residence, we may need to ask you questions that are specific to the country where that job is located. These questions will be
relevant and necessary for the job advertised.

Mandatory information required will be highlighted to you.

You can access your candidate profile at any time to review, update or delete your personal data. It is your responsibility to keep your personal data accurate and up to date and to inform us of any changes. You can also access your candidate profile to monitor the progress of any applications or to amend your personal data from time to time should you wish to do so.

If your profile has not been updated in 12 months, you will receive an email notification to remind you that we are maintaining your candidate profile and that this can be updated or
deleted by you.

3.3 Our Recruitment and Selection Process
We use personal data to undertake activities relating to our recruitment and selection process and to onboard and initiate the employment relationship with successful candidates. This
includes using your personal data to enable us to:
• assess your suitability as a potential candidate,
• conduct interviews and other assessment exercises such as aptitude tests, presentations, and
role plays,
• conduct background vetting for all positions as well as enhanced background vetting for
certain roles as required by regulatory authorities,
• in the event that you are successful, to prepare your employment contract and other internal
processing procedures required to onboard successful candidates.

We will use the email address and phone number provided to communicate with you. We may contact you, for example:
• if you opt to receive automated job alert notifications of job vacancy postings,
• when your qualifications and/or preferences made visible in our talent pool match job
• to invite you to career events,
• to facilitate communication relating to job applications and hiring processes you become
engaged in.

Most of the personal data that we process about you is provided by you. In addition, we may collect personal data relevant to you from third parties or other sources, including:
• education institutions (e.g. proof of qualifications),
• previous employers via references (with your permission),
• third party recruitment agencies, staffing companies/websites which introduce you to us,
• public searches including professional networking websites and background checks where
permitted by law,
• CCTV footage if you enter our premises for an interview.

In general, access to your personal data will be restricted to our staff who need it for the purposes set out in this DPN, which may include hiring managers and HR, IT, Compliance, Legal and Audit functions.

Third Party Personal Data
If you give us personal data about someone else (for example, if you are acting as a recruiter/agent on behalf of a job applicant or if you provide contact details for reference purposes), you are responsible to make sure that you have that person’s permission to share their personal data and to make them aware of this DPN, as it applies to them.

Automated Decision-making including profiling 
We may use automated decision-making including profiling in our recruitment and selection process, for example, screening for certain roles that require very specific skills or qualifications in order for candidates to be eligible for consideration for such roles. This is designed to improve efficiency in the recruitment process. We use automated decisionmaking and/or profiling when necessary for the purposes of entering into a contract of employment, our legitimate interests and if required for compliance with legal obligations or with your explicit consent. You will have a right to object to any automated decisions that may be made about you and you can ask to have a person review and make the final decision.

4. Lawful Bases for Processing Your Personal Data Explained

We must have a lawful basis to collect and use personal data and we explain this below:-

4.1 With your consent
We will process your personal data for the purposes set out above with your prior consent, to the extent such consent is mandatory under applicable law.

Special Categories of Personal Data: We need your consent to collect and use personal data referred to as special categories of personal data or sensitive personal data or for
certain uses of your personal data. You may provide sensitive personal data to us by responding to questions when creating your candidate profile or as part of your job
application (ie. in your CV or otherwise). If you provide sensitive personal data to us, you do so voluntarily.
Cookies: We need your consent to collect personal data through the use of cookies when you visit our website. Cookies are small files of information that save and retrieve
information about your visit. Please read our cookies policy for further information on this.

Your right to withdraw or revoke consent
Where we process your personal data based solely on consent, you have the right to withdraw or revoke that consent at any time. The revocation methods will depend on how
the consent was collected and will be explained when you give us your consent, for example,
• you can revoke your candidate profile under ‘Settings’ - ‘Delete Profile’, or
• you can withdraw a specific job application and the data provided for that application

Please note that this will not affect our right to process personal data based on legal bases other than your consent.

What happens if you do not provide us with your personal data or withdraw consent?
You may decline to provide us with certain of your personal data. However, if we believe that we require relevant information to effectively and properly manage your application
through the recruitment process, we may not be able to continue to maintain your candidate profile or to proceed with your job application.

It is important to note that if you revoke your candidate profile all of your current job applications will automatically also be withdrawn.

4.2 Needed for the purposes of entering into an employment contract

We will process your personal data for the purpose of entering into an employment relationship which will cover the assessment of your personal data as part of the application
process and when the recruitment process results in an offer of employment, your onboarding as an employee and the initiation of our employment relationship. This
processing may include automated-decision making including profiling.

For a prospective employer/data controller in Germany, the basis of data processing for the job application process is Section 26 Federal Data Protection Act (FDPA).

4.3 Legitimate interests

The processing of your personal data is also necessary for our legitimate interests, including:
maintenance and security of our website: we process your personal data, in particular your registration data, to maintain an effective and secure website
management of the recruitment/application process: we process personal data to ensure that we have an effective recruitment process and to enter into an employment contract
with successful candidates, including:
1. receiving and reviewing CV’s and application information from candidates,
2. assessing suitability for employment for the role for which applications are submitted as well as future roles that may become available which may include automated decisionmaking
and profiling processes,
3. managing applications,
4. communicating with candidates regarding applications,
5. tracking of interview assessments,
6. in some cases record online interviews for further review,
7. performing administrative functions,
8. job offers,
9. job declines/regrets,
10. capturing of referee’s details,
11. preparation and issue of contracts to successful candidates.

quality checks and audit: we use job application data of all candidates (successful and unsuccessful) to quality check the recruitment process and to ensure proper process in the
event of complaints
planning, strategy and statistical analysis: we combine candidate personal data to perform data analytics including analysis of our talent pool in order to better understand
the candidate base and how to attract talent. We use operating model data, which may include personal data such as job grade, job title and remuneration detail, in developing
strategic priorities.
Where we rely on our legitimate interests for processing described above, this doesn’t affect your privacy rights. We have taken account of any privacy risks and ensured that your
data protection rights are not affected. We believe that this processing is of benefit to you.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

4.4 Required by Law
The processing of your personal data is necessary to ensure that we are complying with our legal obligations. For example:
• it is mandatory to check a successful applicant’s eligibility to work in Ireland
• certain roles carry additional requirements under law and regulation and these require more comprehensive due diligence regarding successful candidates. We may request
information about your financial and/or criminal records from third parties, where required for this purpose

5. Who do we share your personal data with?

We disclose personal data with third parties only in connection with the purposes for which it was collected, including, with:-

5.1 Service Providers:
Group Companies: companies within our Group that act as service providers and only process your personal data as instructed by us. Our main intra-group processors are
Irish Life Group Services Limited and Canada Life Group Services Limited and they provide HR and other services, including website, recruitment and talent management
administration services
Information System (IS) Providers: your personal data is stored on our HR IS provider systems (including cloud based applications). We ensure that the providers selected
have the appropriate technical and organisational measures and safeguards in place to protect your personal data
Online Assessment Providers: if an online assessment is part of the selection process. The data shared will be mainly your name and email address and the assessment
provider will share your results with us
Occupational Health Specialists (OHS): we will share necessary personal data with our OHS where required
Auditors: when your recruitment file has been randomly selected as part of an audit
• Security Staff: for authentication and security purposes
Independent contractors and external consultants: occasionally we engage with independent contractors and external consultants, for example, to complete a specialist
recruitment and selection process

5.2 Other Third Parties:
Resourcing Partners: your personal data will be shared with a recruitment agency/third party resourcing partner where you are being represented by an
agency/third party resourcing partner
Corporate Partnerships: your personal data will be shared with other financial services providers where a corporate working partnership exists and you have applied
to be included in the selection process for one of these roles
Group Companies: we disclose your information to other companies within our Group, where we have a lawful basis to do so

5.3 Regulators: we share personal data with relevant regulatory authorities where necessary, for example, to meet fitness and probity requirements

5.4 Law Enforcement: your personal data will be shared with other companies, organisations and associations in order to prevent detect or investigate crime and we
will also share any information that is required by law

6. Do we transfer your personal data outside of the European Union (EU)?
Personal data provided as part of your candidate profile (depending on your visibility setting) and/or any job applications you submit may be available to Irish Life and Canada Life Group Companies listed in Section 9 which you should note are not all located in the EU.

We may share your personal data with our parent company – Great-West Lifeco Inc. in Canada and associated companies for legitimate business interests, for example,
recruitment status reporting.

We may use third party suppliers and outsourced service providers (including for cloud based services), which can require transfers of personal data outside of the EU.

We will ensure that all Group Companies and third party suppliers and service providers that process personal data outside of the EU have the appropriate technical and organisational
measures in place to protect your personal data. This means that you will have a similar standard of protection for your personal data as you have within the EU.

7. How long do we keep your personal data?
We retain your personal data as long as we have an ongoing relationship with you. We willsend you notifications (at least annually) to remind you that we continue to maintain your
candidate profile subject to the visibility setting last selected by you. 

If your candidate profile has been inactive (ie. you haven’t logged in and applied for a job or changed your profile) for 12 months you will receive an email from us to inform you that
your profile will be deleted unless you log in to refresh your candidate profile.

If you are offered and accept an offer of employment, certain personal data collected during the pre-employment period may become part of your employee file to be retained
throughout your employment and for a period after your employment.

If your application is unsuccessful, or you revoke your candidate profile and all current applications, we may continue to retain personal data relevant to your job applications.
Your personal data will only be retained for as long as required by local employment legislation and our internal policy and practices, and in compliance with applicable law.

Please contact us if you have any questions on our retention policy and practices.

8. What are your rights?

You have a number of rights over your personal data which you can exercise free of charge by contacting us using the details in Section 9 of this DPN. You will need to give us
information to identify you and we will respond to you within one month. Any restrictions to your rights will be explained in our response.

8.1 Right to Information
You have a right to the information set out in this DPN. The most recent version of our DPN will always be accessible on our website. If we change the type of personal data we collect
and/or how we use it, we will inform you of the changes.
We have controls in place to protect your personal data and minimise the risk of security breaches. However should any breaches result in a high risk for you, we will inform you
without undue delay.

8.2 Right to Restrict or Object
You can restrict or object to any unfair and unlawful collection or use of your personal data. As explained above you have the right to withdraw consent and object to certain
processing, for example direct marketing. You have the right not to be subject to automated decisionmaking including profiling.

8.3 Right to Correct and Update
You can ask us to correct and update personal data we hold about you. It is important that we have your up to date personal data to ensure a fair and efficient recruitment process.

8.4 Right to Delete and Be Forgotten
You can have your personal data deleted if it is incorrect, if it is no longer needed or has been processed unfairly or unlawfully. We will keep a record of your request so we know
why your personal data was deleted.

Where we process your personal data based solely on consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please note that we retain certain personal data as
explained in Section 7 above notwithstanding that you may revoke your consent in order to delete your candidate profile.

8.5 Right to Portability
You can ask for a copy of all personal data that you gave us (including through your interactions with us), and which we hold in an automated format. You can receive this in a
machine readable format that allows you to keep it.

You may also request us to send your personal data in a machine readable format to another company. The format will depend on our ability to provide this in a secure way that
protects your personal data.

8.6 Right to Access
You have the right to know what personal data we hold about you and to receive a copy of your personal data. We must tell you:
• why we hold it
• who we pass it to, including whether we transfer it outside the EU
• how long we keep it for
• where we got it from
• if we carried out any automated-decisions, and if so, the logic behind it and what it means
for you

This right does not allow you to access personal data about anyone else.

To access your personal data please write to us or email us using the contact details in Section 9 of this DPN. To help us respond as quickly as possible please let us know if you are
only looking for copies of specific personal data.

In certain circumstances, we may need to restrict the rights listed above in order to safeguard the public interest (e.g. the prevention and detection of crime) and our interests
(e.g. compliance with our legal responsibilities).

9. Irish Life and Canada Life Group Companies/Data Controller Details

Irish Life Group Services Limited, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 498692

Irish Life Assurance plc, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 152576. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

Irish Life Financial Services Limited, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 489221. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

Irish Life Health dac, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 376607. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland Irish Life

Investment Managers Limited, Beresford Court, Beresford Place, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 116000. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

Setanta Asset Management Limited, Beresford Court, Beresford Place, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 297730. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland 

Canada Life Group Services Limited, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1. Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 410263. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

Canada Life Re Ireland dac, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1. Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 180407. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) dac, Block D, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 440141. Regulated by the
Central Bank of Ireland

Canada Life Assurance Europe plc, Irish Office 14/15 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, Ireland Registered in Ireland. Registered Number: 297731. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

United Kingdom

Canada Life Limited, Canada Life Place, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 5BA Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 973271

CLFIS (U.K.) Limited , Canada Life Place, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 5BA Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 04356028

Isle of Man

Canada Life International Limited, Canada Life House, Isle of Man Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2QJ Registered in Isle of Man. Registered Number: 033178 C

CLI Institutional Limited, Canada Life House, Isle of Man Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2QJ Registered in Isle of Man. Registered Number: 108017 C

Canada Life International Services Limited, Canada Life House, Isle of Man Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2QJ Registered in Isle of Man. Registered Number 114982 C

9.1 If you have any queries in relation to our use of your personal data, you should firstly contact the relevant Group Company Recruitment Team contact.

Ireland: Recruitment Team

Irish Life Group Irish Life Centre,
Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1
Tel: +353 (0)1 704 1887

United Kingdom:

Recruitment Team
Canada Life Place
Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 5BA
Tel: +44 (0)1701 422 978

Isle of Man:

People Engagement Team
Canada Life International
Canada Life House
Isle of Man Business Park Douglas IM2 2QJ
Tel: +44 (0) 1624 820337

9.2 If your queries are not satisfied or you wish to escalate any matter for the attention of our Data Protection Officers/Contacts, the relevant contact details are below for each
jurisdiction. For company details within each jurisdiction please see section 9.1.

Ireland Based Companies
Irish Life Group Data Protection Office (HR), Irish Life Group, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. Tel: +353 (0)1 704 2000 Email

UK Based Companies

Data Protection Officer, Canada Life Limited, Canada Life Place, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 5BA Tel: : +44 1707 651 122 Email:

Isle of Man Based Companies:

Data Protection Officer, Canada Life House, Isle of Man, Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2QJ Tel: +44 (0) 1624 820337 Email

10. Complaints

If you are not happy with how we have processed your personal data or handled your data protection rights, you have a right to take the matter up with the Data Protection Authority,
either in the country where you live, the country you have applied to work in, or, the country where you consider that data protection law has been infringed.


Data Protection Commission
21 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2 D02 RD28 Ireland
Tel. 01 765 0100 / 1800 437 737

United Kingdom:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Water Lane, Wycliffe House
Wilmslow - Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel. +44 1625 545 700

Isle of Man:

Isle of Man Information Commissioner,
P.O. Box 69, Douglas,
Isle of Man, IM99 1EQ
Telephone: +44 1624 693260

A full list of EU National Data Protection Authorities and contact details are available at:

This DPN is effective from July 2023